Singh and Singh, 2023

social sciences

Singh and Singh

Year of Publication



Multidisciplinary International Journal




Aryavart International University (New Delhi, India)

While this outlook offers an exciting vision of VR/AR in 2050, it’s important to remember that technology development is unpredictable, and new innovations may lead us in directions we can’t yet envision.


While this outlook provides a glimpse into a potential future, it’s important to note that technological progress is inherently uncertain.


As an AI language model, I can provide you with a speculative outlook on the social implications and ethical considerations surrounding digital life in 2050. Please note that this is purely hypothetical and based on current trends and projections.


It’s important to note that the future is uncertain, and these points are speculative.


While these predictions offer a glimpse into the potential future of healthcare in 2050, it’s important to note that technology and its implementation are subject to various factors, including ethical considerations, societal acceptance, and unforeseen challenges.


It’s important to note that this outlook is speculative and based on current technological trends.


It’s important to note that this futuristic outlook is speculative and based on current trends and technological advancements.


While these conclusions provide a glimpse into the potential future of digital life in 2050, it’s important to note that technological progress is complex and often unpredictable.1


1Singh H, Singh BP. Digital Life in 2050: A Futuristic Outlook. Multidisciplinary International Journal. 2023;9(2):001-013.